Monday, March 08, 2004

A full weekend - Saturday


Gentle reader,

Every so often you have a gentle weekend. You know. Potter around, not doing much.

Not so this weekend. To begin with, I was picking out a house for size.
At least in theory, that was what I was doing.
I've written here before that I was looking, and well, I've found something. While most of my life revolves around Cork City, I'm choosing Fermoy. It's not that bad a commute, and more importantly, I can afford a decent sized house with the few pennies I have.

Unfortunately, it doesn't exist yet. It's just a green field (well brown and full of caterpillar and JCB thread marks). I was looking at the plans and chatting with an estate agent young enough to make me feel old.
I wonder if I should have looked at property and not computers.
Oh well. I looks like things keep getting changed and altered, but I picked out a position I liked (north / south facing, Sunshine is important after all). however the contracts (with the final plans, don't exist. So a promise of a promise has been made.
Then I went home to figure out how I was going to pay for it all.

That evening was a little less fraught. I went to see Shakers. It's good. It's sort of the follow up to Bouncers in that it's an all female cast, with the main characters working as waitresses in the same club as Bouncers.
If you liked Bouncers you will like this. All I know is I now have to see Bouncers.

Take care,


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