Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Opening night

My play, "The Curious Savage" opens tonight in the CAT Club / Cork Arts Theatre.

It's going to be weird.
It's a comedy, but everybody involved in the play, or at the rehearsals has at least been at one or two readings. Which mean no laughs.

A comedy without laughs is an odd idea, but a rehearsal without them is pretty normal.

Of course a rehearsal with bits of the set being built around you is a little off putting.

Which means that things are going to be weird tonight. A fresh, hopefully paying, hopefully laughing audience.

Yes the nerves are setting in.

There is of course a bitter-sweet part to all this (if it wasn't bitter-sweet, then it wouldn't be my life now would it).

We've the last play in the CAT Club.

The site was due for demolition and re-building last year (rebuilding for Cork 2005), but planning appeals meant that it's dragged on until now.

I'll miss the place (but not the rehearsal rooms).

take care,


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