Thank you for your supportive comments. I'm still trying to sort out proper connections (and getting my hard disk back in to a working state so I can post some more) so things might be a little quiet around here for a while.
And thank you to Fermoy Town Council and Cork County Council... they got rid of the sill positioning of the 50km/ph signs. Now it's 80km/ph all the way (even when it is impossible to make the turn, but it's the thought that counts).
Now if I can suggest a solution to the Watergrasshill problem...
To explain, when the toll road M8 was opened, the traffic going through the town shot up because their old free by-pass was now a toll road. A really (bad) long and complicated route around the town was arranged, but hardly anyone uses it because its long, complicated and a 30 degree turn makes it a bad idea to use it.
There is an alternative...
When you enter the Watergrasshill from the Rathcormac end, there is a left turn right on the 50km/ph sign. Widen this alley and make it the alternative route. Traffic from Cork will still have to use the bridges, but since it shortens the route (and is a safer turn) I think you'll find more people using it.
Of course a well thought out on and off ramp....
take care,
tags :
Thank you Fermoy Fermoy Town Council Cork County Council Watergrasshill M8 toll road Motorway Rathcormac